From KUL to AKL to AOR to SGN to BKK to HAN

What i did in the last 2 weeks...

Hi, gals and guys. It has been a while since my last update. Today is 30th Dec 20007, so i think this would be my last post this year.
After coming back from Sg. Tiram, Johor, i stayed in Bangi and waited for the school to reopen on 31th Dec. 2 weeks in Bangi was quite boring especially after the submission of the project of measured drawing. I didn't go to much places during this 2 weeks.
During 'Dong Zhi', i went to Seann's house with Beh. We had a delicious lunch treat in his house in Kepong and of course we ate 'Tang Yuan' too. On that day, we got the chance to meet almost all of his family members. We went to One U after that just for window shopping. At night, we ate Dim Sum at Kepong. Thanks, Seann. It was a great day.
My music workshop camp started on 23th, i joined the camp with Ah Yung. We made a lot of new and nice friends at the camp. Unfortunately, due to some technical errors, a lot of programme is delayed. However we managed to have a visit to a recording studio in Bandar tasik Selatan. Wow! the studio really opened my eyes. I learned a lot of new things at the studio. One of my friend even got the chance to have a try to record a song. So bad that i had a bad flu on that day. If not, i wanted to try too, hahaha...All in all, the music camp was a satisfactory one, i am looking forward to participating more activities from the music workshop in future.
By the way, during this 2 weeks, i managed to watch 2 movies, i.e. I'm Legend and National Treasure 2. Both are equally good but personally, i would say I'm Legend outwits NT2.
Oh, one more thing! About the result of my last semester. was a sad story. CGPA below 3 all because of one subject, i.e. Design Studio. Really really can't accept it at first. But after i analyze it carefully, i think ... the main problem is still me, myself. I can't blame others for that. All i can do now is to work even harder for my coming last semester.
Finally, welcome back to school my friends. I hope that we will have a wonderful sem ahead.

Happy 2008 and Peace!

Merry Christmas!


沉澱了400多個日子的創作才女Penny戴佩妮,從12月17日開始,將在目前已擁有22萬付費會員支持的ezPeer+ 線上音樂網站,以定期、連續的單曲發行跟歌迷們見面。

與 以往不同的是,大家不能在傳統的唱片行裡先找到Penny的CD了。這一年多來,Penny曾經因為唱片市場盜版的問題,身邊的朋友有人因此放棄了創作的 熱情,而Penny也曾有過打算退出歌壇,回馬來西亞經營音樂咖啡廳的感觸!可是一路上跟著Penny一起成長,給Penny最大支持的歌迷們,是他唯一 放不下的,由於Penny跟歌迷的聯繫與溝通、維繫感情,大都是透過網路,而歌迷們除了蒐藏Penny的實體專輯之外,也經常利用網路數位音樂來聽 Penny的歌,因此,經過了一年的沉澱與思考後,Penny決定重新思考自己的可能,希望將自己的音樂,透過數位網路的無限延伸來跟歌迷分享。

於是這首經過一年後,全新推出的數位單曲首波主打-[ 吹嗶嗶 ],戴佩妮將呈現不同與以往風貌,讓你知道她為什麼不爽你叫他戴佩妮!


上 張專輯高歌[擇偶條件]的Penny,現在居然同時擁有四個男人!!!???是的!!!Penny這一次的"獻聲”,身邊多了四個男人,分別是中岳.君 豪.奧迪.謙謙,Penny的全新數位單曲首波主打-[ 吹嗶嗶 ],除了全新形象的過動Penny、 搖滾詼諧風格的單曲,也結合了這四個瘋子,以全新樂團型態出現。Penny之前聲帶充血受傷,心疼他的歌迷都以為他是為了錄製新單曲而過度操勞自己的嗓 子,其實,根據Penny私底下獨家爆料,聲帶受傷,是練團時,大家都太搞笑,讓向來堅持笑就要笑到嘶吼的Penny笑到無法控制,聲帶還當場受了傷,弄 到被醫生禁止3個星期不能開嗓說話;那段期間,可憐每天脖子上綁了一個小筆記本代替講話的Penny,因為這次事件,也幫自己跟這個樂團取了名字--- 「低能團」D-Power,所以請大家趕快保養好自己的聲帶,準備跟Penny一起吹嗶嗶,吹到搔聲吧!!!


沉 澱、思考、創作、唱歌,身為好奇寶寶一號的Penny,這些年來,也接觸並愛上了很多跟音樂相關的事物,從音樂錄影帶的製作,從完全不懂任何攝影器材、影 像處理、畫面剪接,憑著對音樂的熱愛和一種對於影像結合音樂的感動,Penny慢慢地摸索,向各大導演請益,還匿名上網和喜愛攝影、影像的同好討論,甚至 報名了影像處理軟體的課程,Penny說全班只有他一個女生,好像花木蘭的感覺,到現在,Penny已經有能力著手自己拍攝、剪接、後製自己的音樂錄影 帶,儼然已經成為一個小音樂影像達人,Penny說,音樂搭配上了影像,能夠將當初創作一首歌的初衷,更清楚地傳達深入每一個聽見、看見他作品的人心中, 透過網路,不論何時何地,喜歡Penny音樂的每個朋友,都可以隨時聆聽.看到他用音樂表達最真實的心情。


想認識不一樣的Penny嗎?,趕快搶先到ezPeer+ 網站 http://www.ezpeer.com收聽喔。

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YouHoo! I won a prize