From KUL to AKL to AOR to SGN to BKK to HAN

没那么简单 Not that easy

True happiness lies in your perseverance, the thing that you always insisted on


我回答说:“我不知道。。。怎么办?怎么办! 碰墙了,这次真的碰墙了!”

这段日子,我常常跟自己对话,自问自答。有时候觉得这样不太好,就把问题与答案写在部落格里。哈哈,你们催我update blog. 其实,我已写了些东西,只是没勇气把他们都放上来。很再看回去,发现全都是自己内心的挣扎。


算了,我很累了,not physically but mentally and spiritually. 所以我开始逃避问题,寻找短暂的快乐。‘我要快乐,我要快乐!’ 短暂的快乐,毕竟还是暂时性的。第二天早上睁开眼睛,现实还是赤裸摆在你眼前,躲不过。

I see my path, but I don't know where it leads. Not knowing where I am going is what inspires me to travel it.

最后,我选择了面对现实,我选择了暂停design thesis。也许你会觉得我很懦弱,在最后的关键时刻认输了,但我没有放弃!再尝试放弃的过程里,我才看到我真正要的是什么。是是非非,你的好坏,我都不想去管了。我想好好休息,用另一个角度去看自己多年以来忙碌(盲目)追求的梦想。I'm not sure what i'm doing now is correct or not, but i see my path that leads to nowhere. Not knowing where i'm going is what inspires me to travel it.

Thanks to those keep motivating me when i'm down, you know who you are. I really thank you for the advises, sms, facebook comments and for the off-pitch singing, haha... I'm not giving up. It's simply because i need more time to complete the journey. Good luck to you that are still fighting, keep it up!