From KUL to AKL to AOR to SGN to BKK to HAN

It's again end of the year (Part 1)

It's again end of the year. Year comes, year goes. Time never stops, it never waits. I'm turning 25 next year in 2010. Haha... It has been a fruitful year for me (and of course the tree bears fruits that attacked by worms too). When i browse through my previous entries of 2009, i found that 2009 passes very fast. I'm so reluctant to let go 2009. Too many memories inside. There are so many things that want to undo and redo. Don't know why, i don't anticipate much of 2010, is it because of what i've gone through in 2009? I started good in early 2009, putting aside those bad things in 2008, expecting a new life in 2009, but things doesn't really go as what i planned. Maybe, this is the interesting fact of life. Never expect too much of what u have paid for. Treasure what you have and be grateful to what you've gained. Luck may fall on you when you least expected. C'est La Vie...

When i analyzed back my entries of 2009, i found that there is one thing that keep revolving around me throughout the year, i.e. friendship. Frankly, i'm very very exhausted about this problem already. It drove me up and down like a roller coaster. I shouldn't have waste my time on people that don't deserve my attention and care. No one is perfect, and of course me too. I have to learn to tolerate with people's imperfection to make things better(if not perfect). So, for 2010, i wish i can get out of this.

Two major stage performance added spices to my uni life this year. New Tune Live Performance as singer and UKM Pesta Tanglung as dancer. Pesta Tanglung was a special memory for me. I never thought i can dance on stage. Moreover, i get to know a group PT gangs. They are playful, friendly and energetic. I really miss the days when practice dancing in Pusanika.

(to be continued)


jcdagreat said...

lol...awaiting the continuos part

firefly said...

i miss d practice at pusanika too!!

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