From KUL to AKL to AOR to SGN to BKK to HAN

Good luck to me!

Life is not always a bed of roses. There are always challenges and obstacles at the middle of our life journey. I believe that there is always a meaning behind every bad thing fall on me. But when too many incidents happen at a time, you just can't handle it well.
Exam is coming, final submission is getting closer too. Good luck guys, wish myself good luck too. I need good luck now, to stay healthy, stay energetic, stay motivated and free from perkara-perkara yang remeh-temeh. Any surprises, please reach me after 19th Nov. Peace!


enul said...

hye sayang..
huhu..gud luck exam n final submission nanti.. kalau exam u xdapat jawab, u sebut nama i 3x..mesti u dpt jwb punya lah..

ST_one said...

thank you, dear. ini talian hayat yg paling berharga!

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