From KUL to AKL to AOR to SGN to BKK to HAN

8th day at home

Woke up at 8.30am, not knowing what day is today, what date is today, i powered up my pc and log in to my fb account. This action seems to be a routine now in every morning of my holiday at home. Hey guys, good morning(if you are reading this in the morning)!

Time passes really fast! No joke man, today is my 8th day at home. After looking at the calender, and thinking back what i've done in the past few days... mmm...i need to really plan what i'm going to do now.

Don't know why? (and i don't want to know why) Thesis just don't fill in any corner of my mind right now. I really don't want to think about it right now. You may say i'm lazy but i don't care. Holiday is meant for us to relax and enjoy. I don't wan to start thinking about thesis right now coz i know i've one year ahead to work with it. After this holiday, i will go back to my boring life(well, i know it's going to be very boring and tiring but i will try my best to twist it even if i will be more tiring).

That day, mmm... a few days ago (i'm bad in remembering days, dates and numbers), i hang out with 3 of my old friends here. It has been quite some time that i did not meet them. I'm the kind of ... 'slow cooker' i guess, i didn't talk mush even though i had a lot to share with them. I'm always the type of 'slow to get warm', sigh... i know we will have fewer and fewer chances to gather around in the future, cos everyone is getting busier and busier with his own stuff.

To be continue...


Adian said...

slow cooker? haha vocab of today!

jcdagreat said...

slow to warm... haha... i can see... i guess if i dun talk to you 1st, you wont even know me till now...haha

Anonymous said...

i don't think that you are the slow cooker.....
you are the person who like to open your mouth to speak with me 1.....

ST_one said...

Anonymous, 报上名来!

ju said...

slow cooker ....
in my 1st impression,is ok...u nt as shy as i think...haaahaa.....

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